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1. Collective members:
Name, Institution |
Website / Contact |
Association Emmi Pikler-Lóczy Suisse (CH) |
Association Pikler Lóczy-France (FR) |
Lóczy Alapítvány a Gyermekekért (LAGY) (HU) |
Magyarországi Pikler-Lóczy Társaság (PLT) (HU) |
Pikler UK Association (UK) |
Pikler Verband Europa e.V. (DE, CH, AT, NL) |
Pikler-Lóczy Euskalerriko Elkartea (ES) |
Pikler/Lóczy Fund, Tulsa (USA) |
Red Pikler Nuestra America (PE) |
Associaco de Mestres Rosa Sensat (ES) |
Associaçao Pikler Brésil (BRA) |
Edugest Formación Educativa (ES) |
Asociación Pikler Catalunya Balears |
Asociación Pikler Madrid |
2. Associate members:
Name, Institution |
Website / Contact |
CEMEA Svizzera, delegazione Ticino (CH) |
Association de la Petite Maisonnée (CH)) |
CEMEA, Service d'Education Permanente (BE) | |
Crèche communale de Herstal (BE) | |
Association l´Ermitage Mulhouse (FR) |
ONE Office de la Naissance et de l'Enfance (BE) |
Pikler Emmi Bölcsőde (Pikler Nursery) (HU) |
Malaika Formations Catalunya |
ITANA Asociation Australia (AUS) |
Serveis per a la Infància Créixer Junts (CAT) | |
3. Individual members:
Abarca Bobadilla Andrea M., Ackermann Christine, Aly Monica, Appell Geneviève (Member of Honor), Bagès-Limoges Olivier, Bachmann Véronique, Benedek Eva, Beltram Nuno Paula Maria, Borkowski Sophie, Brunner, Judith, Bussey Katherine, Caffari Raymonde (Member of Honour), Cambourian Nicolas, Cardon Fomasi Inge, Chavaroche-Laurent Marie-Claire, Claaßen, Elke, Cocever Emanuela (Member of Honour), Conti Rossini Kelly Monica, Cordani Marie-Christine, De Riedmatten Astrid, Deepen-Genen Steffi, Denkert Manfred, Fradin Gabrielle Hélène, Gamboni Nicole, Godall Castlel Teresa, Gutknecht Dorothee, Harsch Anna, Hevesi Katalin (Membre d'Honneur), Holland Suzi, Jaquet Paulette, Lapierre, Stefanie, Lavergne Sylvie, Keller Nicole, Krause, Michael, Maurel Annie, Meissner, Maxi, Miró Montserrat, Myers Anna Ruth, Pellet Hervo Sylviane, Peçanha, Plackner Martin, Rákóczy Agnès, Rhodes, Steven, Ronaszéki Janos, Ruppert Caroline, Sabatie Mireille (Monier), Schewe Shirin, Segin Agota, Simon Benoît, Strub Ute (member of Honour), Szantó-Feder Agnès, Sziraki, Szilvia, Tardos Anna (Member of Honour), Vasseur-Paumelle Anne, Veit Uta, Meijling, Hedi, Willholte, Laura, Wilkinson Christine, Woodcock, Rita, Lima-Zahn, Patricia
The International Pikler Association was created in 2012 in order to bring together associations, groups and individuals who promote the ideas of the Hungarian pediatrician Emmi Pikler all over the world, and to encourage contacts and exchanges between them. The Association is concerned with preserving the authenticity of the Piklerian ideas and to make known the experience and the knowledge of the Pikler Institute. It aims to disseminate existing training courses and to create new ones, to encourage research, to promote quality training for nursery and kindergarten staff and to collaborate in initiatives which focus on the good treatment of young children and their families.
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