On 28 June, Pikler International held its annual meeting in a Zoom conference. We thank all participating members for their attendance.
The following representatives to the Board of Directors were elected:
For the Associate Members:
Azucena Linares Gómez, Spain
Jean-Marie Caby, Belgium
For the Individual Members:
Anna Harsch Austria/Germany
Szilvia Sziraki, Germany
Nicolas Cambourian, France.
We look forward to working together.
We also heard a valuable contribution from Catherine Peyrot from the Pikler Association France, that will soon be celebrating its 40th anniversary. Congratulations!
Patricia Lima Zahn and Szilvia Sziraki from Berlin presented their workshop on Emmi Pikler's book "Friedliche Babys - zufriedene Mütter". This workshop will soon also be available for an international audience. More information soon here on www.piklerinternational.com
We would like to thank the speakers very much for making our general meeting so lively.