Phasellus facilisis nibh id aliquet pretium. Vivamus nisl lorem, rhoncus id sollicitudin sit amet, gravida tristique risus. Vivamus auctor interdum tempus. Sed eget ex eu nunc venenatis placerat vitae eget ligula.
News and Activities
News and Activities 2024/09/17
💥 Registration for the online conference is now open! 💥
Take advantage of the early bird rate and secure your place today. Gain valuable insights as colleagues from Latin America discuss how the Pikler approach is being disseminated and developed in their region. Don’t miss the chance to hear personal experiences from Anna Tardos herself.
Professional interpreters from the Pikler House in Budapest will provide translations in English, French, German, Hungarian, Portuguese and Spanish, to ensure full accessibility for all participants.
Register here:
If you have any questions, write to us:
News and Activities 2024/07/24
We are delighted that this year's scholarship has been awarded for a course in Spanish at the Pikler House in Budapest. Silvia Daniela Ortiz from Mexico was able to convince the selection committee. She will be attending a course in Budapest at the end of this year and is delighted to receive the €500 grant. Congratulations Daniela, well deserved.
We would like to thank the committee consisting of Katharina Becker, Ecuador, Rosario Rivero, Perú and Xusma Azkona, Spain for their careful selection. We know that it was not an easy decision, as we had many very, very good applications. We hope to be able to offer scholarships again next year. Stay tuned and check back here on our website regularly! If you would like to support Pikler International and the opportunity to offer scholarships, please become a member.
We look forward to seeing you!
News 2024/09/11
We are pleased to be able to offer a scholarship in English for a course at the Pikler House in Budapest in the course year 2024/2025. The application deadline is September 30th. If you are interested in participating or would like to find out more, please write to us:
We look forward to receiving your application!
News 2024/07/02
On 28 June, Pikler International held its annual meeting in a Zoom conference. We thank all participating members for their attendance.
The following representatives to the Board of Directors were elected:
For the Associate Members:
Azucena Linares Gómez, Spain
Jean-Marie Caby, Belgium
For the Individual Members:
Anna Harsch Austria/Germany
Szilvia Sziraki, Germany
Nicolas Cambourian, France.
We look forward to working together.
We also heard a valuable contribution from Catherine Peyrot from the Pikler Association France, that will soon be celebrating its 40th anniversary. Congratulations!
Patricia Lima Zahn and Szilvia Sziraki from Berlin presented their workshop on Emmi Pikler's book "Friedliche Babys - zufriedene Mütter". This workshop will soon also be available for an international audience. More information soon here on
We would like to thank the speakers very much for making our general meeting so lively.
és szervezetünk
Nam dictum non lectus sed molestie. Etiam facilisis justo at porta pellentesque. Mauris at nulla semper, hendrerit neque ac, aliquam nisi. Integer interdum turpis sit amet egestas tempus. Phasellus facilisis nibh id aliquet pretium. Vivamus nisl lorem, rhoncus id sollicitudin sit amet, gravida tristique risus. Vivamus auctor interdum tempus. Sed eget ex eu nunc venenatis placerat vitae eget ligula. Phasellus non urna eget nulla varius tristique a eu mauris.
Become a member
You who visit our website, interested in Emmi Pikler's pedagogy and anxious to discover it or to know it better, can become a member of Pikler International in different ways.