Why become a member of Pikler International?
Dear interested parties and supporters of the Pikler pedagogy,
We are delighted that you are interested in Pikler International, a non-profit organization that has been successfully promoting the dissemination and further development of the Pikler concept since 2011. We would like to invite you to become a member of Pikler International so that together we can ensure that the authenticity of Pikler's pedagogy is preserved and actively shape the future of childcare and education.
Why become a member of Pikler International?
Pikler International pursues ambitious goals that we would like to achieve thanks to the support of our members:
- Networking and exchange: we want to connect organizations worldwide that promote the Pikler concept and are related to the Lóczy in Budapest and stimulate the exchange of ideas. This should create valuable synergies and innovative approaches.
- Dissemination of information: We plan to provide extensive information on start-ups, publications, research and events in order to promote the dissemination of knowledge.
- Preservation of authenticity: We are committed to preserving the authenticity of the Pikler concept and remaining true to its basic ideas.
- Research and development: We aim to promote clinical and educational research in childcare facilities to ensure the best possible care and education.
- Support and appreciation: We recognize the work of the Pikler Institute and wish to support the activities of the Lóczy Foundation for Children and the Pikler-Lóczy Society of Hungary.
- Educational resources: We aim to collect and produce educational materials and ensure that they are accessible in different languages.
- Collaboration: We seek to collaborate with organizations that promote mindful parent and child care and support efforts to improve the training of caregivers.
Your benefits as a member of Pikler International:
- Share best practices: Learn about other successful Pikler practices and share applications and challenges.
- Shared reflection: share your doubts and thoughts in a supportive network.
- International relationships: Make professional, collegial and friendly contacts around the world.
- Overcome professional isolation: Experience being connected with like-minded people worldwide.
- Exclusive access: Be the first to get access to specialized professional materials and information.
- Active contribution: Actively contribute to protecting the Pikler name and the values of the Pikler pedagogy.
- Support training: Support the training of professionals through scholarships and projects.
- Ensure authenticity: Help to preserve the authenticity of Pikler's ideas and practice.
- Organizing exchanges and conferences: Organize international exchange programs and conferences together.
- Develop new ideas: Develop and initiate new ideas and projects under the umbrella of Pikler International.
Through your membership you make a significant contribution to promoting Pikler education worldwide and ensuring the best possible care for the youngest children. Membership fees are our only source of income and enable us to continue to work effectively and achieve our goals.
Become part of Pikler International and help us to make the world a better place.
Please do not hesitate to contact us for further information. Please do not hesitate to contact us.
With best regards