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Are you currently browsing our website because you are interested in Emmi Pikler's pedagogy? Do you want to discover more and get to know everything better?
Then perhaps membership of Pikler International is something for you.
There are three forms of membership

Anyone can become an Individual Member
Individual members are represented on the board by one of their number.

All organizations whose statutes explicitly refer to Emmi Pikler, be it in the dissemination of her ideas and/or practice, can become collective members. Each collective member is entitled to a seat on the board and thus has a say in the activities of Pikler International.

Associate members can be organizations, formalized groups and NGOs that support Pikler International and wish to participate in its activities. The Associate Members have three representatives on the Board.

The statutes provide you with more information and details about the conditions.

Annual fee:
Collective member: 250 €
Associate member: 150 €
Individual member: 30 €

Individual members

40 EUR

Associated members

200 EUR

Collective members

300 EUR

Become a member


You who visit our website, interested in Emmi Pikler's pedagogy and anxious to discover it or to know it better, can become a member of Pikler International in different ways.